Tuesday, June 21, 2016

We've re-organized a bit as we get started here.  First, I'd like to welcome Lady Phoenix to the blog.  She'll be writing articles on a variety of topics, and will also be chronicling the RPG adventures we embark upon, the most recent of which is linked below and is a Castles and Crusades adventure where we are seeking out the Grey King with our merry band of adventurers, all of whom are pretty new to playing, but loving it nonetheless.

First, we created our blog for film reviews and articles here:
Gryphon King Film Reviews

See the intro there for what you'll find on that page.  We welcome civil and productive discussion about our articles but hope to find folks who share our love of film.

Next, we created a blog called the Library of the Gryphon King, where we hope to have book reviews, as well as general posts about what we're reading, what our family has loved and does love, and get ideas from you and yours.

Then, we've got our RPG articles.  This is what we're playing, thinking of playing, etc.  We will also include board games into the mix, as we have quite a few of those and would share this with you.  We also welcome input here and perhaps will find new contributors to these pages from among you.  We'll also link to articles we've found useful.

We also have some blogs which will chronicle our RPG adventures which we'll link to.  The first of these, about our C&C adventure can be found here:  The Grey King.

Last but not least is really where this all started.  We have a twitch channel, and will occasionally stream, mostly Destiny and other games on the PS4.  You can find the twitch channel here:  Gryphon King .  The main page here will have info about gaming, but we'll also have a dedicated page for game reviews, links, and info which can be found here:  Gryphon King Gaming.  You can also find our sparing posts on twitter here: TheGryphonKing.  Mostly I share links, but will tweet out when I stream or for other new or posts of interest on the blog.

Thank you for following, and I hope you'll join us in this community to share what interests you with us and others!  I hope this will be a vibrant, positive community where we find a kind and respectful environment, expect the best of each other and help support each other in an online environment through the nerdy stuff we all love.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome to the home of Gryphon King gaming.  This blog will be the home to film and TV reviews, book and game reviews, as well as occasional articles on subjects on any fandom our family finds interesting.  You can find me on twitter at www.twitter.com/thegryphonking, and on twitch at twitch.tv/thegryphonking.  Please stay tuned for content as well as the occasional article or review for kids written by one of the Gryphon Princes or Princesses.

Why the Gryphon?  Well, while we are nerds, we are also Catholics who attend the Latin Mass.  There is some cool symbolism of the Gryphon as representative of Christ as the king of heaven and earth (eagle and lion).  And there is also some very beautiful imagery of the gryphon in Dante's La Commedia.  If you've read past Inferno and into the Paradiso, you know what I'm talking about!

So we have many interests, and I had been a film critic in my younger days.  Having to comment to my family as I screen films or books (or games) they are interested in made me think it would be good to perhaps write on these topics again.  So you may find articles about our exploits in Castles and Crusades or Dungeons and Dragons, where Dad attempts to be the Dungeon Master as his adventuring children undertake heroic deeds.  Or many articles about my current obsession, Destiny.  Yes, I know we need new content, but I love the game, have little time for gaming, and still find it fun.  We have other board games we'd review, as well as articles on music, films, or tv, both for specific reviews, as well as general articles on topics of interest, often from a faith perspective.

Thank you for visiting, and hopefully I'll find time to comment here on a regular basis and have some interesting discussions with fellow Catholics, gamers and nerds who find the same worlds of fantasy and diversion interesting.